Wednesday 25 March 2009

Just A Quick One!

Two blogs in one day, crazy!

On the NME website I saw that the classic 80's band Spandau Ballet are reforming. Who cares! They're an 80's band and that's where they belong, in the past. Surely the crowds are going to made up of 40 year old mum and dads dancing like they're back in th 80's and in their youth. Tony Hadley and the crew are obviously just doing it for the money as it can't be for their love of music or they'd just form a new band playing new music.

With so much good new talent is there really a space for reunion bands such as Spandau Ballet in 2009?

The Wednesday Blog!

So here I am, back in the blogging fray! I realised I hadn't blogged for quite a while now so I thought I'd leave a quick blog now I have the rest of the day off uni!

I never know what to blog about so I thought this time I'd give myself a set topic and see what I can conjure up around the subject. Today's chosen topic is: Music.

One of the most recent albums that I've got is 'Box Of Secrets' by Blood Red Shoes. On the whole the album is good but you can't help thinking "have I heard this all before?" The catchy melodies keep the listeners attention, but they're also pretty generic.

Yesterday I got Franz Ferdinand Live In Manchester 6/3/09. The album was recorded live at the gig with fans being able to buy the CD straight afterwards. I think this is a great idea and remember when I went to see Keane at Hull Ice Arena they did this there. Being able to listen to the gig on the way home and trying to listen out for you shouting in the crowd adds to the excitement and memories of the gig. The Franz album features all their greatest hits along with new songs from their latest release Tonight: Franz Ferdinand.

Last night at the Huddersfield Uni Student's Union was the Love Music, Hate Racism gig featuring Jack Hopkinson, Dnile and The Cliques. The night started well with the acoustic set from Jack. Crowd pleasers such as Hey Jude got the crowd singing along with he classic Na Na Na Na Na Na Naaaa! Next up was Harrogate band Dnile. With their matching haircuts they took to the stage and played what I can only describe as 90's dad rock! Their songs had the feel of that type of music that has been heard before and a bit outdated. The band played well and performed well as a group but the style of music left me a little bored. Last up were The Cliques from Hull. They pleased the crowd with their upbeat tunes and their on stage performance which climaxed with lead singer and guitarist Simon standing on the drum kit during a solo. It was a great night for all who attended and helped to spread the word of Love Music, Hate Racism.

This coming Monday, 30th March, Leeds Festival tickets and lineup will be released. Early rumours of headliners are Arctic Monkeys, Kings of Leon and Radiohead. This sounds like three great headliners but whatever bands play I know it'll be a great weekend!

So that's it, this must be my longest blog to date and hopefully it's been educational, informative and entertaining!