Thursday 27 November 2008

Cliff Richard and The Cold!

In the words of Kantar legend Fran Colao, "Gee it's cold" It's both cold and raining, not a good combination! Went out to get a sausage and bean melt from Greggs and came back soaked still cold but with a fuller stomach!! On the positive side it snowed the other day, I don't mind the cold as long as there is a good covering of snow to frolic in! Unfortunately the snow didn't lay :(

Heard some good news today, Cliff Richard and The Shadows are set to reform for a UK arena tour in September 2009 so going to sort some tickets out for that! What I was wondering though is that is there enough old people and The Shadows fans to fill arenas? Will the tour be a flop with them playing for just a handful of people not even standing up because of crippling arthritis!

Anyway, thats all for now I'm going to go and try and get warm!

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Fire Alarms and Firework Showers

Today has been quite fun. Fun being the operative word!! Woke up at 8.03am and realised that I had to go for the bus in 7mins so that was fun. I'd slept through two alarms but luckily, and I don't know how, still managed to get ready and get on the bus in time! So once in uni we had our first fire drill of the year which was another surreal experience! Usually when the fire alarm goes off your instructed to leave the building straight away but here it was more like oh, you might want to leave now if you want!!

Here in Huddersfield they do things a little differently than in Hull. On Saturday night we went to watch the 'Festival Of Light' so after standing in a large crowd for half an hour watching some floats go past we were then showered and I mean literally showered in sparks off fireworks from the parade!! The words Risk and Assessment did come to mind but then of course this is Huddersfield so maybe they don't have them here!

So now I've ran out of things to blog about but as you can tell my life is so fun and exciting at the moment! Fire alarms and firework showers!

Saturday 22 November 2008

The Blog Bandwagon!

So here I am, jumping on this blog bandwagon! I decided as everyone was starting to create blog I thought I might as well give it a go. As Dr Pepper once said, "What's the worst that could happen?" Well the worst thing that could happen is that nobody will read it, and from this first blog that will probably be the case!

I remember a while ago Alex told me that I use exclamation marks too much, and I started to believe that this is true. The title of my blog has one in, the paragraph above has two in and there will probably be more to come! A really inappropriate use of an exclamation mark was the other day when my cousin told me on msn that his cat had been put down his exact words were "my cat had to be put down today!" I wondered why he put an exclamation mark there, was it his way of showing his grief? or was he just generally exclaiming that sentence!

So back to Dr Pepper and the worst thing that could happen, from the paragraph above I doubt anyone will want to continue reading about the best, and worst, use of punctuation marks!